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FTC Disclosures and You

On December 1, 2009, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) updated their rules regarding advertising disclosures. It was the first time that the rules specifically brought bloggers under the FTC rules and guidelines. And the blogging world, since then, has been trying to figure out what to do. The FTC provisions are set out in 16 [...]

By | 2011-03-15T07:00:21+00:00 March 15th, 2011|Blogging, FTC Disclosure, Social Media|20 Comments

Copyright and Recipes In Plain English

Recipe Copyright Explained in Plain English One of the most asked questions I get has to do with recipe copyright. It's very upsetting for food bloggers to see their work copied verbatim. Unfortunately, unlike photos or images, all words don't carry the same weight when it comes to copyright. Recipes are one of those areas [...]

By | 2011-03-01T10:00:34+00:00 March 1st, 2011|Blogging, Copyright|11 Comments

10 Tips About Online Copying

If Imitation is the highest form of flattery, please don't flatter me!. When I first started writing on to this information superhighway in about 1993, back when it was indeed called the World Wide Web, there was so little content no one really worried about what other people did. In the 17 years I’ve had [...]

By | 2011-02-22T10:00:50+00:00 February 22nd, 2011|Blogging, Copyright|16 Comments